
Wildhorse Royalty
Royalty Terms
2% NSR, Buy-back 1% for $1m
Area (ha)
Project Status
The 481 ha Wildhorse Property is located 27 km NE of Cranbrook in the Rocky Mountains of SE B.C. Eagle Plains acquired the claims in 2005 for Au vein occurrences and sediment hosted Cu mineralization. The claims coincide with the furthest reported upstream placer gold occurrences on the Wildhorse River, which produced over 1 m oz. of Au in the late 1800’s.
Project Highlights
- Numerous high-grade gold occurrences within a proven placer district
- Untested geochemical anomalies
- Multiple target deposit types favorable for gold and copper
- Road accessible with nearby rail, highway, airport, smelter, hydro
- Encouraging exploration to date with comprehensive database
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