A helicopter toed in on a steep slope at the Ice River Complex in SE BC

Ice River Royalty

Eagle Plains Resources
Royalty Terms
2% NSR, Buy-back 1% for $1m
Area (ha)
Project Status

The 2310 ha Ice River Property, located 45km east of Golden, B.C., covers the eastern limit one of the largest and best preserved alkaline intrusive complexes in the world which contains base- and precious- metals, Rare Earth Elements (“REE’s”) and industrial metal mineralization.

Project Highlights

  • Exceptional geology favourable for base, precious, rare and high tech metals (REE, Nb, Zr)
  • Numerous untested geochemical anomalies
  • Encouraging new base metal and REE showings located in the last 5 years
  • Drill ready targets for rare earth elements, nepheline syenite, and niobium
  • Forest Service road access to property boundary  with nearby infrastructure

​For more information about this project please visit this link -