Black Diamond Royalty
Royalty Terms
2% NSR, Buy-back 1% for $1m
Area (ha)
Project Status
The 866 ha Black Diamond Property is located near Invermere, B.C. and covers a deep-seated mineralized structure traced over 12 km hosting high-grade Au, Ag, Pb and Zn vein mineralization. It has significant potential to host classic manto- or replacement-style ore bodies and contains multiple mineral occurrences that appear to be linked by a common structure.
Project Highlights
- Numerous polymetallic high-grade showings focussed along a major structure
- Encouraging exploration to date including multiple high-grade drill intercepts
- Excellent infrastructure – road-accessible with nearby hydro and rail
- Historical past-producer
- Adjacent the Mineral King which produced 1,334,400 t @ 11% Zn-Pb
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